
About Filtration in Some Tasks Underground Hydrodynamics


Bereslavsky Edward Naumovich*

Within the framework of the theory of plane steady filtration of an incompressible fluid according to the law Darcy, two schemes are considered that simulate filtration flows under a sheet pile Zhukovsky through ground array, underlain impenetrable basis or highly permeable pressure aquiferous horizon. For research influence evaporation or infiltration for free surface ground waters are formulated mixed boundary value problems of the theory of analytic functions, which are solved using Polubarinova-Kochina method. Based on these models, zone calculation algorithms have been developed saturation in cases where, during water movement, it is necessary to take into account the joint influence on picture currents such important factors How backup co sides impenetrable base or underlying highly permeable aquifer, evaporation or infiltration on free surfaces groundwater, soil capillarity.




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