

Dyeing of Cotton Fabric using Herbs


Sumithra M

In this study an attempt has been focus on developing antibacterial finish using natural herbs. The cotton fabric samples were mordanted using natural mordants pomegranate and myrobalon. The mordanted fabrics were dyed with a natural dye Acacia catechu and the fabrics were finished with three herbal extracts of Tridax procumbens, Plectranthus amboinicus and Mentha piperita by using dip method and pad dry cure method. The Antibacterial finishes of the finished fabrics was assessed against Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria and concluded that the pomegranate mordanted fabric finished with Tridax procumbens herb using pad dry cure method gives the excellent result due to herbal imparted in fabric helps to protect the human beings free from skin infections, fungal growth and bad odour.

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