

Effective Strategies for Identifying Novel Genetic Markers Based on DNA Polymorphisms


Hsiu-Lin Huang, I-Yen Huang, Chia-Yu Lin and Mu-Chiou Huang

DNA markers offer a useful tool in human clinical medicine to predict disease susceptibility and drug response. In animal science, they can be applied in marker-assisted selection, gender determination, species identification or disease diagnosis. By combining DNA microarray technology and SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) genotyping, many novel genetic markers in candidate genes have been identified. These markers offer more advantages in that they can be used for accurate animal selection and to rapidly to improve the reproductive performance over traditional breeding methods. Modified Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) or Random Amplified Microsatellite Polymorphism (RAMPO) fingerprinting were used for the study of DNA polymorphisms, and the results demonstrated that novel and stable markers can be used for animal gender determination and species identification. This paper presents effective strategies for identifying novel and stable markers based on DNA polymorphisms.

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