
Experiences of Being Hospitalized in a Single Bedroom versus a Four Bedroom: An Interview Study


Brauner AB, Jørgensen L, Madsen SB, Bernstein I and Petersen HK

Introduction: Great investments are made in new hospital buildings all in favour of single bedrooms for patients. Conclusions regarding the impact of single bedrooms versus multi bedrooms vary. Method: We performed semi-structured interviews with patients undergoing surgery for rectal cancer about their preferences and experiences regarding hospitalization in a single bedroom or a multi bedroom. The data were collected during 2016. Results: The company of fellow patients seems to be of great importance. Patients find the company healing and it contributed to feeling safer. Disturbances like sound and too much activity in a four bedroom is a problem. Most patients preferred single bedrooms when talking to visitors and when they felt very sick. Conclusion: Many patients preferred four bedrooms over single bedrooms because of the company from fellow patients. This conflicts with the tendency in modern hospital design which favors all single bedrooms.




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