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Factors Associated With Student Performance At The Copperbelt University School of Medicine


Molly Temwa Mzumara*

Introduction: Higher education is seen as an important aspect for an individual, as it is imperative for getting good jobs, success and opportunities for better living. Academic performance of any student is a result of interactions of various factors, which could have an effect on a student’s academic performance either positively or negatively. This research is a correlational study taking the quantitative approach that examines the association of various factors at play that would have an effect on student’s academic performance.

Aim: The aim of the study was to find associations between the factors being studied which are stress, quality of sleep, time management, lifestyle and their effect on an individual’s academic performance.

Methodology: The study was carried out at the Copperbelt university school of medicine, amongst those that have completed at least an academic year. A self-administered questionnaire was given to a total of 270 participants. The data was coded and analyzed with SPSS software.

Results: Out of 270 questionnaires given, a total of 262 were collected giving a response rate of 96.3%. 44.3% where in their 2nd year and 55.7% in 3rd year. Dominant programme of study was MBChB 67.6% and BDS 32.4%. Academic performance was measured using cGPA which was categorized as excellent with a frequency of 27.5%, average 53.8% and poor 18.7% according to GPA calculated. The study revealed significant associations between levels of stress and academic performance, time management as well as quality of sleep as the p-value<0.001. Lifestyle which was subdivided into exercise, healthy diet and substance use had p-values of 0.006, 0.003 and 0.002 respectively, all indicating a significant association with academic performance as p-values were less than 0.05.

Conclusion: The study has given an insight on factors that affect student performance as all the factors investigated in this paper being stress, time management, quality of sleep and lifestyle were associated with student performance. It is recommended that time management and stress management as well as copping programs for university students be implemented, awareness of proper sleep hygiene be done amongst medical students and have authorities establish clubs, promote sports by having them frequently and during such, talks on healthy diets can be done as all this could contribute to success in academic achievement.

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