Robert Lavan, Rob Armstrong, Karen Lipworth, Dorothy Normile and Hannah Newbury
Background: In a survey of US dog owners who had experience with giving fluralaner oral chews to their dog,
overall satisfaction with fluralaner and preference for fluralaner compared to monthly flea and tick medications were
high. These owners also believed that the required annual duration of flea and tick coverage is shorter than the
duration recommended by their veterinarian. This paper compares these US results with results of two nearly
identical studies involving veterinarians and dog owners in the UK and Australia.
Results: Veterinarians in 3 countries provided their flea and tick treatment duration recommendation for dogs. In
addition, dog owners visiting the veterinarians’ practices completed a multiple-choice survey on their flea and tick
treatment experience. All dog owners had current experience with fluralaner purchased for their dog. A very high
proportion (97% US, 97% UK, 100% AU) of veterinarians recommend 12 months of protection against fleas while in
the UK and AU a lower proportion of veterinarians recommend 12 months of protection against ticks (96% US, 49%
UK, 75% AU). All participating owners treated their dogs currently with fluralaner and most (73% US, 68% UK, 77%
AU) had previously treated their dog with monthly flea and tick products. The convenience of 12-week dosing (67%
US, 67% UK, 69% AU) and “dosing less often” (67% US, 48% UK, 51% AU) were their most important reasons in
choosing an extended effect treatment. Dog owners indicated high satisfaction (satisfied or highly satisfied) with the
extended duration flea and tick product (93-96%). Preference for a 12-week over monthly retreatment was very high
and ranged from 82%-92% in all three countries.
Conclusion: Dog owners in the three countries expressed a high satisfaction and preference for extended 12-
week flea and tick protection over monthly flea/tick products. Owners recognize the convenience of 12-week
treatment intervals for improving compliance. Dog owners in three different countries have similar opinions regarding
flea and tick treatment duration requirements