Julio Viskovich
Social Media is an interactive network that is Internet based and developed for the sharing and engaging purposes. Sharing can be of an idea, information, expression, career interest, or data like images, videos, or files etc. via the networks or virtual communities. Now days, social media communities defines the future of brand as young generation took deep interest into the low & high involved communities. Social media use to create communities online are recognized as a vital aspect of a brand strategy, enabling business progression through a computer mediated marketing environment (CMME). In comparison, there are far less studies conducted by researchers or analysts which look into the impact of social media on brands classed as ‘luxury’. The survey conducted was designed to find correlation between brand image in technology-based marketing environments, and the use of social media, determining the impact it has. Taking numerous reliable perspectives from well-known literature sources, predominantly on the topics of information management, communication strategies and marketing, this chapter details the effect of social media on consumers’ perceptions of luxury fashion brands. This analysis and research clarifies social media’s influence on brand reputation, particularly in the sector of marketing alongside current technology. The purpose of writing this paper is to develop community consequences, antecedents’ conceptual framework, and branding of online communities with the help of virtual communities and brand communities by the integration of extant literature. The informative motive, social integration motive, entertainment motive, self-discovery motive, and social enhancement motive are the conceptual frameworks. Consequences of moral responsibility, shared rituals, and kind are the pillars of traditions among members of the all online community consequences.