
Prevalence, Risk factors and Antibiotic Resistance of Staphylococcus aureus and MRSA nasal carriage among healthy population in Ibadan, Nigeria


Ademola Olayinka

Background: Nasal carriage of Community-Acquired Methicillin-resistance Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) is recognized for its rapid community spread and
tendency to cause various infections especially in communities with a large population where personal hygiene is poor. We sought to investigate the prevalence
and evaluated the possible risk factors of CA-MRSA among the healthy population.
Methods: Nasal swabs collected from 392 males and 308 females using the multi-stage sampling technique were cultured for Staphylococcus aureus. Isolates
were identified by conventional biochemical tests, Microbact™ 12S identification kit and confirmed with 16SrRNA. Antibiotic susceptibility testing was performed
using the Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion technique. Finally, isolates were further investigated for methicillin resistance by using the cefoxitin disk diffusion test
followed by polymerase chain reaction amplification of MecA and Nuc genes. Proportions were tested using Chi-Square and Fisher’s Exact Probability Test in
Epi InfoTM.
Results: The results showed 31.9% and 9.4% prevalence of S. aureus nasal carriage and Methicillin-resistance Staphylococcus aureus respectively. Low
educational background (ϰ2 =36.817, P ? .001), age >40-50 years (ϰ2 = 8.849, P = .003), recent antibiotics use (ϰ2 = 7.556, P = .006), recent hospital visitation
(ϰ2 = 8.693, P = .003) and male gender (ϰ2 = 9.842, P = .002) are significantly associated with CA-MRSA. The results of this research study show that CA-MRSA
are highly multi-drug resistant.
Conclusion: The study established a high prevalence and resistance burden of CA-MRSA in the population; this poses a serious public health concern in the
region and necessitates the demands for continuous surveillance on the colonization state of CA-MRSA to restrict the transmission of the bacterium in the




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