

国际标准期刊号: [Jurnalul de chirurgie]
ISSN: 1584-9341


Solitary Extramedullary Plasmacytoma of Breast- A Rare Case Report


Ramchandar Ramanan*, G. Suresh, A.Suresh Kumar and Kaarthikeyan Siva

Background: Extramedullary plasmacytoma accounts for less than 5% of plasma cell neoplasm. Primary breast plasmacytoma is extremely rare condition encountered in clinical practice without any bone marrow involvement or as secondary from multiple myeloma. It can mimic various benign and malignant lesions in the breast hence it should be kept in differential diagnosis as management would completely differ. Meticulous approach is needed in evaluation like CT scan of upper airway, Histopathological examination, Bone marrow biopsy, emphasizing the importance of each in arriving at a diagnosis. The incidence of breast plasmacytoma is very rare accounting to less than 5% in which only 15-16 cases of solitary breast plasmacytoma have been reported over the last 80 years and hence there is a lack of standard clinical or radiological criteria criteria in the diagnosis and management of breast plasmacytoma. In this study we report solitary extramedullary plasmacytoma of left breast in 70-year-old women with meticulous stepwise approach.




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