Prashant Rajdeep
Objective: Suggesting an approach to determine the rate of change of brain’s frequency (ROCOF).
Background: Reaction time (RT) is mostly well estimated in any driving simulator, especially the visual reaction time. However, an appropriate representation of RT in a driving simulator can help determine the changes in brain’s frequency.
Method: We propose, use a driving simulator which can efficiently measure and record the participant’s reaction times for the rapidly successive tasks in a simulator. A reciprocal presentation of each RT can be used as the brain’s frequency for performing that task. Using this concept, a simulator software can calculate the brain’s frequencies for all the tasks. While it’s graphical representation over time can yield time frequency distribution (TFD).
Results: Analysis of this time frequency representation (TDR) of RT may help to study the pattern of brain activity and to derive ROCOF, which can be used to classify the drivers.