Arnon Blum, Saleh Nazzal and Maya Paritsky
A 44 years old woman was referred to the Internal Medicine Department because of left sided cervical lymph node enlargement. She suffered in the last few months from dyspepsia that was responsive to protein pump inhibitors. She knew that her physician suspected that she might have a recurrence of the helicobacter pylori that she suffered from 2 years earlier, but she was afraid to undergo gastroscopy and did not want to perform the breath test for helicobacter pylori detection. She had a left sided parathyroid adenoma that was removed 2 years earlier. It is important to mention that her sister had Hodgkins’ lymphoma and her father suffered from vocal cord cancer. A week before admission she noticed a swelling in the left lower cervix, and she decided eventually to examine it because of esthetic reasons.