
体积 8, 问题 6 (2017)


Influence of Breed and Individual Variation in the Quality of Frozen Canine Semen

Rebeca Marques Mascarenhas and Rego de Paula Tarcízio Antonio

The present work aims to report the individual and racial difference found in the freezing of canine semen, as well as to analyze the correlation of the parameters of in vitro evaluation of semen before and after freezing. For this, 36 ejaculates were collected of 12 dogs of the Beagle, schnauzer, Doberman and Boxer breeds, by the digital manipulation method and frozen in Tris-Citrate medium containing 6% of glycerol. Semen was evaluated, before and after freezing, on sperm movement through vigor, motility and spermatic index, and on the integrity and viability of the spermatic membrane by hypoosmotic and supravital staining tests. Sperm longevity was estimated in the thawed semen through the thermoresistance test. Individual variation was observed on spermatic index in the thawed semen, but not in the fresh. The parameters of spermatic membrane integrity and viability presented individual variation in both. When the breed variable is considered was not observed significant differences on parameters in the fresh semen, but in the thawed semen significant variations in the integrity and viability of the sperm membrane were observed. Schnauzers had the lowest sperm longevity after thawing. As Doberman and Boxer breeds presented the best freezing results in the in vitro evaluation. Except for the supravital staining test, the parameters studied showed significant correlations between the data collected in the fresh semen and those observed in the thawed semen.


Detection of an Intermediate Filament Protein in the Pancreas and Mandibular Salivary Gland of the Goat (Capra hircus): An Immunocytochemical Study

Yaser Hosny Ali Elewa, Shafika AM Elsayed, Sherif Kh A Mohamed and Attia AA Moselhy

The centroacinar cells (CACs) are a specialized ductal pancreatic cell. Recently, it has been revealed that such cells showed a progenitor function in the pancreas of adult mouse and zebrafish. However, no information about its occurrence in other exocrine glands specially in farm animals. Cytokeratins immunohistochemistry was used to detect ductal segments of the submandibular glands and the pancreas including CACs in human and rat. In the present study, the detection of cytokeratins in the normal goat pancreas (a serous type gland) and mandibular salivary gland (a mixed type gland, consisted of mucous tubules capped with serous demilunes) was investigated using a standard immunoperoxidase technique on paraffin sections. In the goat pancreas and mandibular salivary gland, cytokeratins were found in all duct cells including the CACs of the pancreas. Interestingly in the mandibular salivary glands, some immunoreacted cells with immunopositive cytoplasmic extensions were frequently observed between the cytoplasm of the mucous cells, especially near the lumina of the mucous tubules. We postulate that these cells could be centroacinar- like cells. Therefore, from these findings, it can be concluded that these cells could provide a supportive cytoskeleton to maintain cellular shape and avoid the collapse of the mucous cells during mucous secretion. Additionally, a regenerative function for such cells could be hypothesized. Furthermore, the keratin demonstration could be used as a marker for ductal cells and is a useful aid in the detection of lesions derived from gland ductal cells in goat. Further research is necessary to investigate the expression of keratins in caprine glandular tumors as well as the regenerative ability of these centroacinar- like cells in goat mandibular salivary glands injury.


Genetics of Threshold Characters and Distribution Cow Calving Traits in Holstein Friesian Cattle at Holeta Bull Dam Station, Ethiopia

Gebeyehu Goshu

Data collected from at Holeta Bull Dam Station from 118 sires and 902 dams were used to asses distribution of threshold traits as affected by sire variance and calving traits cows. The traits studied were type of birth (normal, abnormal), sex ratio, and female calves reached to age at first calving. Variance analyses were made to estimate effect of sire variances and repeatability of cows on the above threshold traits. The result showed that from the total of 1223 female births, 67.7% reached to productive age. Sire affected type of birth (P<0.05), sex ratio (P<0.01), and female calves reaching to productive age (P<0.0001). The distribution of calf production traits of cows showed that 30.8% of cows calved only once, 27.7% calved abnormal births at least once in their life time and 27.3% left the herd without producing any female progeny. The probability of a cow repeating abnormal birth, given the previous birth was abnormal, was very high (0.96). It is commendable to test semen for genetic disorder other than milk yield trait to expand dairy production in the country. The number of female calves reaching to productive age can be increased through introduction of sound reproductive management and improving survivability of calves.


Relation Between Subclinical Endometritis and Reproductive Efficiency in Dairy Cows in Argentina

A Rinaudo, SF Bernardi and PR Marini

The aim of the present study was to analyse the effect of the subclinical endometritis on the postpartum period and its effects on the reproductive efficiency of cows in Argentina. Two hundred and seventy four cows from four dairy farms were used in this study. Cows were kept/maintained on fed grazing with supplementation diet. The diagnosis of subclinical endometritis was carried out by endometrial cytology with ≥ 5% of polymorphonuclears neutrophils. Positive cows to subclinical endometritis had lower reproductive performance than negative cows. They presented lower pregnancy rates in the first breeding, higher artificial inseminations per pregnancy, and longer calving-pregnancy periods in comparison with healthy cows. Subclinical endometritis has a negative effect on the reproductive performance of the dairy cows and consequently in the dairy farms finances in the animal population studied.


Effect of Parenteral Supplementation with a Mineral Compound of Cu, Zn, Mn on Bovine Mastitis

Insua AD, Noval-Artiles E, Garcia-Díaz R, Naranjo-Quintero Y and Nickli-Domer R

The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the effect of supplementing an injectable compound of Cu, Zn and Mn on bovine mastitis. The investigation was carried out in the dairy farms of San Quintín (Lat. 22.4070, Long. 80.0448) and Tres Caminos (Lat. 22.4019, Long. 80.0563) of “Desembarco de Granma”, Plant and Livestock Company, Yabu of Santa Clara during the dry period. The animals used were crossbreeds of Holstein and zebu, these animals were milked two times daily and fed with CT-115 and natural grasses. 5 mL of the injectable compound (50 mg Cu, 100 mg of Zn and 50 mg Mn) was administered parentally to the cows in production and the cows in the last trimester of gestation, with repetitions every two months until three applications were completed. In the animals treated the prevalence and indice of subclinical mastitis was reduced significantly (P< 0.05) from 67.9% to 40.3% y 1.48 to 0.81; 62% to 33.3% y 1.27 to 0.55, in San Quintín and in Tres Caminos respectively. The risk index was estimated and it demonstrated that in the group of cows which was given the mineral supplement was affected 0.34 times less with mastitis subclinical with each cow that was not supplemented. The incidence rate was evaluated and it was discovered that the group of animals exposed to the mineral supplement was 6.3%, meanwhile the animals not exposed to the mineral supplement was 18.5%. It can concluded that the supplementation of Cu, Zn and Mn via parenteral reduced the presentation of mastitis subclinical, demonstrating a protective effect to reduce the relative risk for this pathology.


Prevalence, Larvae Burden and Gross Pathological Lesion of Cephalopina titillator in Camels Slaughtered at Addis Ababa Abattoir Akaki Branch, Ethiopia

Leta Muleta Kissi and Awol Mohammed Assen

Cephalopina titillator (C. titillator) is an obligate parasite of the camel and causes nasal myiasis in camels throughout the world. The adult fly deposits larvae in the nasal cavity and these remain parasitizing the animal for a considerable period of time. A cross sectional study was conducted on randomly selected camels, Camelus dromedarius (C. dromedarius) slaughtered at Addis Ababa abattoir, Akaki branch, Ethiopia during the period from November 2016 to April 2017 to determine the prevalence of larvae infestation with associated risk factors and gross pathological lesions and larvae burden. Out of total 334 camel heads examined, 276 were infested by C. titillator larvae which give an overall prevalence 82.6%. Analysis of potential risk factors has revealed that the rate of infestation was significantly higher in older camels (88.2%) as compared with younger camel (76.8%) (P<0.05). The rate of infestation was also significantly higher in female camel (88%) than that of male camel (77.8%). On the other hand the difference was not statistically significant (p>0.05) between parasitic infestation with origin and body condition score of camels. But relatively higher prevalence (84.3%) was recorded in camels originated from Borena as compared to those originated from Kereyu (80.4%). Moreover prevalence was relatively higher in camels with poor body condition (91.3%) as compared to that of camels with medium (81.8%) and good body condition score (80.3%). On average 126 C. titillator larvae were counted per animal, and abundant mucous secretion, congested mucus membrane, diffused petechial hemorrhage and development of multiple granuloma were among the major gross pathological lesions observed in nasal cavity, nasopharynx and turbinates. In conclusion the present finding has demonstrated that C. titillator was one of the highly prevalent myiasis in camel rearing area. Therefore further epidemiological investigation on the diagnosis, control and prevention method and its economic impacts are required.


Small Ruminant Fasciolosis and its Direct Financial Loss in Dessie Municipal Abattoir North Eastern Ethiopia

Netsanet Berhe, Yalew Tefera, Tarekegn Tintagu and Wedajo Muleta

A cross sectional study was conducted from November 2016 to April 2017 on 384 small ruminants brought for slaughter to Dessie Municipal Abattoir from Dessie and its surroundings. Coprological and postmortem examinations were employed. The objectives of the study were to determine the prevalence of fasciolosis and associated risk factors, the test agreement between fecal examination by sedimentation and post mortem examination; and the direct financial loss due to liver condemnation. Of 384 fecal samples collected during ante mortem, 54 were positive for egg of Fasciola with an overall prevalence of 14.1% (54/384) based on coprological examination. The prevalence was 14.5% (50/294) in sheep and 10% (4/40) in goats. An overall prevalence of 18.8% (72/384) was found based on liver examination. There was no statistically significant difference (P>0.05) in infection rate between the two species and sex. The difference in infection rate in body condition, age and fecal consistency was statistically significant (P=0.000, 0.034 and 0.031 respectively). The dominant species of Fasciola was F. hepatica 9.9%, followed by 3.39, 3.13 and 2.34% by immature Fasciola, F. gigantica and mixed infection respectively. The mean fluke burden was 28.28 ranging between 3 and 96 flukes per infected liver and the fluke burden was highest in animals with mixed infection followed by animals infected by F. hepatica. The sensitivity of the sedimentation technique to detect Fasciola eggs was 75% compared to postmortem examination of liver and a considerable agreement (kappa=0.830) was obtained between the tests. An annual loss of 25230 Birr loss was estimated in Dessie Municipal Abattoir. Study on public health implication of the parasites is recommended.


Diagnoses of Primary Cause of Mortality in Domestic Sheep in the North American Intermountain West

David J Wilson, Thomas J Baldwin and E Jane Kelly

Causes of death of 246 domestic sheep (Ovis aries) necropsied from 2009-2016 at the Utah Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory were summarized. Sheep originated from Utah (93%), Idaho (6%) or Wyoming (0.4%). There were 54 fetuses, 21 4 week lambs (1-28 d old), 69 young lambs (29-180 d), 28 older lambs (181-365 d), and 74 adult sheep (>365 d). If no age was provided, age was estimated from body weight based on literature and expert opinion. Of the 48% of sheep with age provided, 91% matched with the body weight estimates. Primary cause of mortality was diagnosed in 228 cases (93%); 6 diseases accounted for 136 (60%) of the diagnoses: abortion 50 (22%), parasitism 29 (13%) (most from H. contortus), pneumonia 19 (8%) (95% bacterial), enteritis/enterotoxemia 17 (7%), bloat 13 (6%), and selenium deficiency 8 (4%). No cause of death was evident in 18 sheep (7%). The most common cause of fetal death was abortion 50 (93%). In 4 week lambs, most common causes were 4 pneumonia (19%), and 3 parasitism (14%). In young lambs, 15 parasitism (22%) (10 Haemonchus contortus), and 10 pneumonia (15%) (9 bacterial pneumonia) predominated. In older lambs, 7 parasitism (25%) (4 H. contortus, 3 Fasciola hepatica), 3 bacterial pneumonia (11%) and 3 clostridial enterotoxemia (11%) were most common. Most common causes of adult sheep death were 5 bloat (7%), 4 H. contortus (5%), 4 peritonitis (5%), 4 bacterial pneumonia (5%), and 4 urolithiasis (5%), a cause of death only found in adult sheep. Control measures for the most common causes of domestic sheep mortality include vaccination and clean lambing environment to reduce abortions, enterotoxemia and other infectious disease, control of parasite infestation, prevention and treatment of pneumonia and bloat, and adequate mineral supplementation.


Adaptation Mechanisms of Camels (Camelus dromedarius) for Desert Environment: A Review

Mulu Gebreselassie Gebreyohanes and Awol Mohammed Assen

Dromedary camels have a number of adaptation mechanisms that help them to survive successfully in dry and arid climates in which there is shortage of water and high environmental temperature. For survival in desert environment, camels have physiological, anatomical and behavioral adaptation mechanisms. Water conservation ability, the unique features of blood, thermoregulation, and efficient digestion and metabolism are among the physiological adaptations. Anatomically the nature of skin coat, eye, nostril and lips, large body size and long height and large foot pads contribute for their survival. Moreover the feeding, drinking, thermal and sexual behavior of camels also plays a major role in succeeding their existence in the desert environment. Despite of their great contribution for the livelihood of many pastoralists in different parts of the world in which other animals face difficulties, camels are the most neglected domestic animals by the scientific community. Therefore the value camels should have to get emphasis and awareness should have to be created to the community about health care and management of camels to improve their production and productivity.


Study on the Major Dairy Cows Reproductive Problems in and Around Gondar Town, Northwest Ethiopia

Aschalew Ayisheshim, Shimeles Abegaz and Awole Mohammed

A cross sectional study was conducted commencing from October 2014 to April 2015 in urban and peri-urban areas of Gondar town, of the Amhara National Regional State of Ethiopia to identify the major reproductive problems in dairy cows. A total of 401 dairy cows were examined for the major reproductive problems by classifying the methods of studying as questionnaire survey and regular follow up. Owner of 401 cows from 80 dairy farms and small holder farmers (households) were questioned for the major reproductive problems and found 100 (24.9%) affected animals and again from 401 dairy cows owner of 100 cows from 15 dairy farms and small holder farmers (households) were regularly followed and out of them 37 (37.0%) have at least one of the reproductive problems. The questionnaire survey of reproductive problems according to their relative importance were 24 (6.0%) anestrous, 18 (4.5%) repeat breeder,16 (4.0%) endometritis, 15 (3.7%) dystocia, 11 (2.7%) abortion, 8 (2.0%) mixed cases and 7 (1.7%) retained fetal membrane (RFM). Parallel to questionnaire survey regular follow up study was takes place on 100 dairy cows from 15 dairy farms and small holder farmers (households) and out of them 7 (7.0%) anestrous, 6 (6.0%) abortion, 6 (6.0%) dystocia, 6 (6.0%) endometritis, 5 (5.0%) RFM, 4 (4.0%) mixed cases, and 3 (3.0%) was repeat breeders. SPSS version 20 was used for chi-square test and p<0.05 was taken as statistically significant. The prevalence of reproductive problems showed statistically significant difference (p<0.05) with respect to parity, age, body condition score, farm scale, cleanness, methods of service and types of feeding practice, but significantly associated with respect to breed in both questionnaire survey and regular follow methods of study. This result shows no significant difference (p>0.05), between the two study methodology within the reproductive problems. This particular study indicates that an reproductive problem, which includes anoestrus, RFM, abortion, dystocia, endometritis and repeat breeding, were one of the major factor for the low fertilizing ability of dairy cows in urban and peri-urban area of Gondar town. Therefore, the dairy breeders should be providing additional feed to fulfill nutritional requirement of animal, improving cleanness and feeding practice of the animal.


Major Production Problems of Dairy Cows of Different Farm Scales Located in the Capital City Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Seble Aweke and Berhanu Mekibib

The study deals with major production problem of selected dairy farms in Addis Ababa from November 2009 to April 2010. The study covered 31 farms grouped in to three production systems, namely 13 small scale (SS) with 260 cows, 9 medium scales (MS) (451) and 9 large scales (LS) (1543) dairy cows. Demographic characteristics of farm owners of studied farms was female dominated in SS (53.3%) while in MS (55.5%) and LS (77.8%) was male dominated. Farm owner's literacy rate was 100% in medium and LS farms while 92.3% in SS farm. In the studied farms, pure exotic cows were dominant in all types of scales; 61.5%, 55.6% and 88.9% in SS, MS and LS, respectively. The breeding systems used in the farms was commonly artificial insemination (AI) in SS (100%) and MS (77.7%) while in LS, both AI and the combination of AI and natural mating, each contributed 44.4%. Furthermore, the major reasons of culling were health related in both SS and MS accounted, 69.2% and 44.4%, respectively. However, in LS low productivity (77.8%) was dominant. Data on feeding management indicated that hay and wheat bran was dominant feed types in all types of scales in which most of them fed their animals twice a day. The survey also showed health problems encountered (from 2007/8 to 2009/10) in different scales as repeat breeding and mastitis more common in SS (25.8% and 25.4%) and MS (13.4% and 10.4%) while in LS, mastitis and hypocalcemia was more common (both accounted for 8%). The main prevention in the farm was vaccination. In conclusion, identification of the diary bottleneck is critical to solve and rise their production. So, most health and management problems encountered can possibly corrected with raising awareness and follow-up of farms with professionals before further damage on this emerging industry.


Assessment of Community Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Milk Born Zoonoses Disease in Debre-Birhan Town, North Shewa, Ethiopia

Yeshibelay Girma

A cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted in Debre-Birhan town, North shoa, Ethiopia, with the objective of assessing knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of the study participants with respect to milk born zoonosis; and to determine the effect of demographic character of respondents on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of zoonosis disease. Data were collected through administering semi-structured questionnaire across the randomly selected Collection centers, Retailers, Consumers and Smallholder dairy farmers of the Towns. The questionnaire was administered to 230 respondents (5 milk collection centers, 100 consumers, 40 retailers and 85 smallholder dairy farms). The study result showed that 63.5% of the respondents from the total study population knew diseases can be acquired through cow milk, 61.3% of respondents did not know the names of milk borne zoonotic diseases, 50.9% of the respondents’ forms of milk preference were raw milk. Of the total respondents, 35.2% had no idea of prevention of milk borne diseases. In this study 92.2% of the respondent did not get formal training on zoonotic disease. There was strong association between educational level and KAP of the respondents on milk borne zoonosis, with statistically significance difference (p<0.05). There was statistically significance difference (p<0.05) on KAP of milk borne zoonosis of the respondents between urban and peri-urban areas. The study population has low level of awareness regarding milk borne zoonosis. One way to approach this problem would be to develop educational outreach programs for dairy producers, as well as for the general public, that focus on issues related to the consumption of raw milk and milk borne zoonosis.


Lumpy Skin Disease in Armenia

Tigran Markosyan, Khachik Sargsyan, Satenik Kharatyan, Hasmik Elbakyan, Varduhi Hakobyan and Hovhannes Mkrtchyan

Lumpy skin disease is a poxvirus disease of economic importance. The first clinical cases of LSD in Armenia were registered in December 2015 among cattle which further was confirmed in laboratory in local and international levels. The source of LSDV was not identified and the role of vectors is not clear but there are some insects presented in country and which are known as a vector of LSDV transmission. For the control and prevention of the further spread of LSDV the vaccination with sheep pox live vaccine was conducted. During 2016 and first 9 months of 2017 in total 487518 cattle were vaccinated. In 2016 about 50% of total cattle population, which were located in risk zones, were vaccinated and in parallel with other control measures it have helped to stop further spread of LSDV in country.


Radiographic Assessment of Prevalence of Laminitis from the Hoof- Related Forelimb Lameness Feet of Nigerian Horses

Ogbanya KC, Eze CA and Ihedioha JI

The objectives of the study were to uses radiological indices to confir laminitis in hoof-related forelimb lameness and to determine its prevalent rate between sexes, seasons and among age groups in a cross-sectional study. Lateromedial radiographic examination of the hooves of 66 Nigerian horses that presented with hoof-related forelimb lameness were investigated. The horses were aged as young, adult and old. Independent sample t-test was used to analyze the radiological indices between laminitic and non laminitic horses. Data for prevalence of laminitis were subjected to descriptive statistics and association between sex, age and season were analyzed using Chi square. Significance was accepted at P<0.05. Of the 66 hoof-related forelimb lameness horses examined, 42 horses had laminitis. The mean values of the radiographic soft tissue indices of the hooves such as hoof distance phalangeal distance proximal (HDPDP), hood distance phalangeal distance distal (HDPDD), ratios of HDPDP and HDPDD to the palmarocorticular length (PCL), angle of rotation (AR), sole depth (SD) and coronary extensor distance (CED) varied significantly (P<0.05) between laminitic and non laminitic horses. Male horses had 27.3% prevalence of laminitis while females had 31.8%. Prevalence of laminitis showed no significant association with sex (P>0.05). Young horses had the least prevalent rate of laminitis (4.5%) whereas adult and old horses had 28.8% and 25.8% respectively. Prevalence of laminitis at dry and rainy seasons was 21.2% and 37.9% respectively.


Anoestrus Treated with Bromocriptine 2.5 mg (Parlodel®) in Atlas Shepherd Bitch: A Case-Control Study

Khaled Mabrouk Slimani and Abdellatif Niar

This study reports the clinical, ultrasonographic and endocrinological findings of a bitch treated with bromocriptine (Parlodel® 2.5 mg Breakable tablet box of 30 tablets) for a heat induction. The dosage adapted for the dog was 1.25 mg per day. A atlas shepherd dog five years old, which had a heat back delay of more than 8 months, was presented to the canine clinical pathology of Tiaret veterinary science institute for consultation. The vaginal smears and ultrasound of the ovaries were combined with the proportioning of progesterone. Vaginal cytology detected a phase of anoestrus. the estimated ovarian volume measured with abdominal ultrasound was 9+/-1.04 mm. The ovaries were of small oval shape with homogeneous echogenicity, similar to that of the renal cortex, with the presence of a few very small, slightly hyperechoic structures on the two ovaries. The progesterone level was 3 nmol/l. No structural anomaly of ovaries and no genital infection were observed on clinical examination.


Cryptococcus albidus var. albidus Isolated from Turquoise-Fronted Parrots (Amazona aestiva: Psittacidae) Kept in Captivity: A Probable Reservoir Ecological of Fungal Specimen

Diana Costa Nascimento, Claudete Rodrigues Paula, Luciana da Silva Ruiz, Carina Domaneschi, Bianca Silva Navarro, Francisco de Assis Baroni, Reinaldo Bolognini Orsi1, Marcia de Souza Carvalho Melhem and Diniz Pereira Leite Jr

Cryptococcus is an opportunistic yeast that causes life-threatening infections as meningoencephalitis primarily in immunocompromised hosts, generally associated with AIDS. The source of this organism is mainly pigeon excreta; however, other avian species’ excreta are implicated as a source of this yeast. The aim of this study was to perform the isolation of yeasts of the Cryptococcus genus from the cloacae of 40 parrots kept in captivity area of the genus Amazona aestiva. These birds were anesthetized, the cloacae washed, and then swabs from the cloaca collected. The yeasts isolated from cloacae birds were studied by phenotypic and genotypic methods. The production of extracellular enzymes as virulence factors (protease and phospholipase) was performed too. From the total of parrots studied, 10 strains of yeasts were isolated. Nine of the strains belonged to the specie Cryptococcus albidus var. albidus and one sample belonged to the specie Cryptococcus laurentti. The extracellular enzymes research demonstrated that 80% of the isolates were phospholipase producers and all of them were protease positives. These results suggest that not just the environment but also the birds of A. aestiva genus may be the carriers of C. albidus. We point out that the strains produced virulence factors. This is the first report of the isolation of C. albidus var. albidus of A. aestiva parrots and to assert that this bird is a special ecological niche of capped yeast.


Fructose-Fed Induced Metabolic Syndrome Model in Cynomolgus Monkeys

Shanshan Ding, Changqing Zhang, Li Zhang, Yupeng Fang, Xin Zhang, Tao Jing and Shoutao Liu

The incidences of obese and metabolic syndrome have risen dramatically in recent decades. The pathological conditions of metabolic syndrome greatly increase the risk factors of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and NASH. The over consumption of high-fructose in beverage has been considered may play a role in the causes. To better understand the association of excessive fructose intake and pathophysiological progressing for obesity, type 2 diabetes and NASH, we assessed anthropometrics and metabolic parameters in a total of 71 cynomolgus monkeys after the consumption of high fructose diet within a 12 months period, including but not limited to body weight, body fat, HbA1C, liver enzymes. All the assessment values showed as Mean ± SD, and have compared from baseline of pre-feeding of high fructose diet to the 12 months of post feeding. The result showed that about 13% monkeys were overt T2DM, 32% monkeys became obese with an impaired IVGTT profile and 31% monkeys obesity animals at last, many features of the metabolic syndrome such glucose and insulin impairment were existed in related cohorts. We demonstrated that dietary of high fructose induced metabolic syndrome in cynomolgus monkeys that provides a good translational animal model system to investigate obesity and metabolic syndrome pathogenesis, prevention and treatment.


Occurrence and Severity of White Striping in Broilers Until 50d of Age Fed with High and Low-Energy Diets: Body Weight, Histopathological Changes and Meat Quality

Kindlein L, Ferreira TZ, Driemeier D, Nascimento VP, Vieira SL, Moraes LE, King A and Sainz RD

White striping (WS) is a condition characterized by the occurrence of white striations parallel to the muscle fibers on breast, thigh, and tender muscle of broilers. This study was aimed to evaluate the occurrence and severity of white striping and histopathological changes in breast fillets from 10 to 50 d broilers disregarding the effect of diet. Birds (n=572) were randomly assigned to a high- (HED) or low-energy (LED) diet (11 replicates of 26 birds/dietary treatment) and were processed at 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 d of age to evaluate occurrence of white striping, BW, histological analysis, and meat quality. The results showed that at 10 d of age, 2.27% of the birds showed some degree of WS and at 20 and 30 d of age the occurrence of WS (%) was higher in birds fed HED than birds fed LED diets. There was no differences (P>0.05) in the L*, a*, and b* values for meat or among different degrees of WS as well as between dietary treatments; however, carcass characteristics varied by age or carcass weight. Histologically, the severity of WS causes changes in myofibers, with muscle fibers showing sarcoplasmic reticulum vacuolization, a higher intercapillary distance and a reduced capillary to fiber ratio, suggesting loss of integrity of the cell structure, that was seen in birds fed both diets (low and high nutrient densities) after 30 d of age and lower oxygenation.



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