
体积 14, 问题 5 (2023)


About Filtration in Some Tasks Underground Hydrodynamics

Bereslavsky Edward Naumovich*

Within the framework of the theory of plane steady filtration of an incompressible fluid according to the law Darcy, two schemes are considered that simulate filtration flows under a sheet pile Zhukovsky through ground array, underlain impenetrable basis or highly permeable pressure aquiferous horizon. For research influence evaporation or infiltration for free surface ground waters are formulated mixed boundary value problems of the theory of analytic functions, which are solved using Polubarinova-Kochina method. Based on these models, zone calculation algorithms have been developed saturation in cases where, during water movement, it is necessary to take into account the joint influence on picture currents such important factors How backup co sides impenetrable base or underlying highly permeable aquifer, evaporation or infiltration on free surfaces groundwater, soil capillarity.


Climate Change and its Impact on Physical Hydrology Patterns

Rapeep Techar*

Climate change is a global phenomenon with far-reaching consequences, and one of its most significant impacts is on physical hydrology patterns. This article explores the intricate relationship between climate change and hydrology, shedding light on the various ways in which rising temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, and melting glaciers are reshaping the Earth's water cycle. By understanding these changes, we can better prepare for the challenges that lie ahead and develop strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change on water resources.


Exploring the Dynamics of Watersheds: A Comprehensive Physical Hydrology Study

Zongling Wang*

Watersheds play a crucial role in the Earth's hydrological cycle, acting as the focal point for the collection and distribution of water resources. Understanding the dynamics of watersheds is essential for managing water resources sustainably, especially in the face of growing environmental challenges. This article delves into the intricacies of physical hydrology, shedding light on how it can be employed to comprehensively explore watershed dynamics. Through an in-depth examination of the key components and processes involved, we aim to provide a holistic understanding of watersheds, enabling better management and conservation practices. Watersheds are intricate natural systems that play a crucial role in shaping the landscape and ensuring the sustainable availability of freshwater resources. This article delves into the complex dynamics of watersheds through a comprehensive physical hydrology study. By examining the various components and processes within watersheds, we aim to better understand their functioning, the challenges they face and the significance of their management.


Hydrogeological Investigation of Six Asiab Regions in Wardak Province of Afghanistan

Ashok Vaseashta1*, Hafizullah Rasouli2 and Mohan Bahadur Chand3

Hydrogeological investigations are carried out in six Asiab regions in Chack, Wardak Province of Afghanistan. The Asiab region is located longitudinally to a valley that is parallel to the Wardak mountain range. In earlier times, the entire region was a big lake and as the water body receded along the width of these regions, this converted the entire region into one big fault at the Alishang Village. Currently, the Asiab River runs in a very steep area inside a valley causing erosion of the river all the way down to the riverbed. This river flowed from northeast to southeast and at the Alishang village; it changed direction from north to south and joined with the Gardan Masjid River. In these regions, all aquifer layers are located between the valleys and these formations are filled with gravel, sands, silts, loams, etc. and their accumulation along the river. Due to its accumulation on both sides of the river, the terraces (upper, middle and lower) consist of different types of conglomerates with different matrix materials which are found in different types of aquifers (aquifer, aquiclude and aquifuge). Since the residents use the water for general consumption, we tested water samples from 10 different wells in Alishang, Tapor, Kaday, Makhtoma, Kazian and Hakemkhel villages and assessed different parameters based on the different for- mations of stratigraphy according to their profiles. Due to regional conflict, the water quality and groundwater management have been ignored in this region, thus necessitating this research to provide necessary information to the local and state government for decision-making and management.



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