

Clinical Study of the Effectiveness of Pluralist Homeopathy in Generalized Anxiety Disorder


Rosalia Zueras Gelabert

Introduction and objectives: Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is mainly observed in the primary care setting and may reach a prevalence of 5%. This retrospective study was conducted with the aim of assessing the results obtained using a therapeutic method based on pluralistic homeopathy.
Material and Methods: An observational study of a cohort of 220 patients treated by a pluralistic homeopathic physician was performed. A total of 460 medical records were reviewed, among which 220 patients who met DSMIV-TR criteria for the diagnosis of GAD were selected. In relation to homeopathic remedies, remedy of temperament was prescribed in all cases. A complementary remedy, a remedy of autonomic regulation, causal remedy, constitution remedy and remedy of terrain or diathesis was prescribed when necessary. Criteria for grouping patients according to response to treatment were defined. On the basis of this response, levels of cure or lack of response were grouped. A specific database was designed for the purpose of the study.
Results: The mean age of patients was 38 years. Women accounted for 78% of the cases. Associated general pathologic conditions were found in only 16% of patients. The duration of symptoms exceeded 12 months in 45% of the cases. At presentation, 31% of patients were taken conventional treatment (anxiolytics and/or antidepressants). The remedy of temperament was prescribed to all 220 cases. Starting of improvement was already observed at the first control visit in 73% of cases (158 patients) after 30 days of the baseline visit. In 157 of the 220 cases (71%), patients considered to be cured due to resolution of all symptoms. In 56.4% of cases (n=124), the length of follow-up was shorter than 2 years, and in 38.2% of cases (n=84) the follow-up ranged between 2 to 6 years. Nine cases (4%) have been followed between 6 and 10 years, and in 3 cases the follow-up was longer than 10 years. Cure achieved by means of homeopathic treatment was significantly associated with younger age, shorter duration of symptoms and absence of conventional pharmacologic treatment prior to consultation with the homeopathy.
Conclusions: Data of this retrospective review shows that the applied homeopathic treatment may be effective in the management of patients with GAD. The scope of treatment may include both somatic manifestations of anxiety and deepest vital discomfort affecting the subject.




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