

体积 5, 问题 1 (2015)


Variety in the Rules of Islamic Financial Institutions

Islamic Institutions are a growth industry in the world. More than 200 Islamic financial institutions (IFI) are opening in more than 84 countries. With an annual growth rate between 12% and 15%, the assets of the IFI exceed $200 billion. The regulatory regime governing the IFIs varies across countries. For this reason, several international organizations such as AAOIFI and IFRS, have been established to set standards which should reinforce and eventually synchronize prudential regulations as they apply to the IFIs. The aim of this paper is to discuss the character of the prudential standards to be developed. It specifies the risks that the IFIs are exposed to and the nature of the regulation that would help to supervise them. Industry is believed to be constantly evolving with an estimated convergence of the practice of Islamic financial intermediation with its conceptual foundations. Consequently, the paper contrasts the risks and the regulations considered necessary in the case of the IFIs operating according to the core rules and current practice. Moreover, the paper deals with the implications of approaches to the capital adequacy, licensing requirements and reliance on market discipline. This paper proposes an organization of the industry which would enable to expand in conformity with its principles and prudent risk management and ease its regulation.


Perceived Entrepreneurial Competency

Mirza Muhammad Omer

Entrepreneurship a global phenomenon which has given the trend of innovative business startups. The jobs are created as the economy grows. A source of profit generation, return on investments and potential new markets. Word Entrepreneur which is new academic discipline: first time was used by economist. The entrepreneurial learning has drifted from personality influences to the behavioral influences, motivators and cognitive learnings. Entrepreneurial intentions have been studied by various researchers. This is established by that intentions can be measured developed far before opportunity seeking. Developed a model in which gradient of life path determines the intentionality and perception of venturing, so both probability and intentionality lead to venturing, conception, willingness and possibility of new venturing. Theory of planned behavior is another intention based model for prediction of intentions]. The choice of the career is the cognitive process based on beliefs and attitude. Entrepreneurial education can only be significant if changes the conceived desirability and the efficacy of the individuals. This study shall identify those Entrepreneurs who introduced radical changes in the field of education with prime objective of monetary gains linked by deliverance of quality education at work places, door steps and online. There is always a first time and these Entrepreneurs are the trend setters in the field of education learning from the mistakes of the predecessors. The influx of the new entrants in Lahore as Educational entrepreneurs have been a attractive venture and lucrative business to start up with but question remains what are their practices as professional efficacy and how their personal traits are complementing to produce quality education and revenue generation for Entrepreneur. The changing trends in the educational adaptation a radical preference for IGCSE and Edexcel examination taken under Syndicate of University of Cambridge has created rising demand for professionals to facilitate the students. It is well said that a career that influenced by the entrepreneurship surely offers the individuals ample of opportunities to enjoy independence, reap greater financial payback and gain towards overall economy through a contribution to innovation, job enhancement, and economic development.


Using Facebook for Political Action? Social Networking Sites and Political Participation of Young Adults

Anabel Ternes, Alexandra Mittelstadt and Ian Towers

The survey results presented in this article show that political action via Facebook is still limited. The aim of this article is to examine the relationship between the use of social networking sites and political participation. In particular the focus lies on the use of Facebook among young adults from Germany and Egypt for forms of political action.


Globalization and Implications on Arab Markets: A Survey of Travel Industry Executives

JMS Munoz and M Pettus 

 This research identifies the evolution of contemporary global business practices, scope and pace of international expansion, and technological competencies that are taking place in emerging markets such as Arab nations. Within this changing landscape, new organizational approaches are prerequisites for successfully entering emerging markets. Utilizing the concepts of Thomas L. Friedman along with Greenberg and Barron and Michael Porter’s determinates of international competitiveness, this study identifies strategic factors which can be used to examine the determinates of international competitiveness of Arab nations. 



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