Gerry Catapang
Sports Injuries can be minimized, if not prevented even before they happen with the new Sports Injury Prevention Screen. A Sports Injury Prevention Screen is a ten to fifteen minute examination performed by a physical therapist. The facet joints of the spine and joint extremities, muscles and soft tissue are screened for biomechanical faults and movement restrictions that can lead to injuries. The new screening method would allow the physical therapist to fix the problem even before the injuries manifest and even before they happen. Our body is like a Pulley System - there are pulleys and belts that form the system. If the pulley (pertaining to the joints of the spine and extremities) is not moving right then the belt (pertaining to the muscles, soft tissues, tendons, and ligaments) would have to work harder then would eventually break down resulting to injuries in relation to our bodies. Furthermore, if those abnormal pulleys can be detected right away, then injuries can be minimized if not prevented. For athletes, less injuries or none would mean a college scholarship or an athletic opportunity of a life time. Sports injuries can make or break an athlete's career. The access to the new Sports Injury Prevention Screen can help minimize ,if not prevent sports injuries even before they happen.