Masayoshi Yamaguchi
RGPR-p117 was initially discovered as novel protein which binds to the nuclear factor I (NF1)-like motif TTGGC(N)6CC in the regucalcin gene promoter region (RGPR). RGPR-p117 is localized to the nucleus with stimulation of protein kinase C-related signaling process. Overexpression of RGPR-p117 has been shown to enhance regucalcin mRNA expression in the cloned normal rat kidney proximal tubular epithelial NRK52E cells in vitro. This process is mediated through phosphorylated RGPR-p117. Overexpression of RGPR-p117 was found to suppress apoptotic cell death induced after stimulation with various signaling factors in NRK52E cells, while it did not have an effect on cell proliferation. Moreover, RGPR-p117 was found to localize in the plasma membranes, mitochondria and microsomes, suggesting an involvement in the regulation of function of these organelles. After that, RGPR-p117 was renamed as Sec16B that is involved in the endoplasmic reticulum export. However, this is not suitable name with many findings of the role of RGPR-p117 in cell regulation. RGPR-p117 may play an essential role as transcription factor, and the elucidation of other roles in cell regulation will be expected.